8 Exercises that Promote Creativity and Champion Life Insurance Innovation

Getting employees to tap into creative thinking on-demand can be a roadblock to innovation, especially if it’s not a requirement in their day-to-day role. While it may not be possible to achieve creativity on demand, it is possible to establish an environment that encourages team members to get their creative juices flowing. 

One of the reasons RGAX’s Life Design Sprints have been so successful at driving innovation in the insurance industry is that we use tried-and-true activities that foster a productive and neutral environment to help teams get outside of their comfort zones. By borrowing and adapting sprinting techniques, the concept developed at Google Ventures, Life Design Sprints eliminate some of the normal roadblocks that often halt internal innovation.  

Start boosting creativity and out-of-the-box thinking today by incorporating some of these exercises used by RGAX Sprint Masters.


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