CertiStay Makes Sure Airbnb Guests Sleep Well At Night
Meet CertiStay, a safety and security certification program for short term rentals such as Airbnb and HomeAway .
“Why”, you ask. Well, according to the startup, even the most confident property owners pause and reflect when they read the news about guest injury, safety violations, and other sorts of issues. The answer? A proprietary reviewing system that demonstrates to renters that one’s property is safe and sound, while removing the risk with a built-in limited liability coverage. Here’s how it works: A customer clicks on “Book An Audit” from the company’s site, submits a contact form (think: name, email, message) and waits. But no more than 24 hours (look below). Later, a local auditor will be in touch with the customer to schedule an audit, which will likely take place “as quickly as the following day”, and for 90 minutes. The audit will ensure that the property is in the same condition it would be in for guests checking in.
This service, or shall we say the CertiStay seal of approval, will cost you. $98 in initiation fee and $18 per month; to be exact.
Wait, there’s more. The Vancouver-based company, established in 2016, is currently accepting reservations on Frontfundr. Look:
Bottom Line: “the proprietary CertiStay Homeowners Policy will offer between 35% to 45% reduction from current premium rates more than offsetting the cost of the certification.” And while on the subject of homesharing and insurance, Slice receives feedback:
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