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Remember Margo?


Refresher: the agency was launched back in 2015 by Zach Robbins (works at Zeta Global as of Dec. 2017) and Stephen Gill (his profile indicates he exited Margo in 2017) to offer car insurance with a process that started with an online submission form. It later expanded to home and renters insurance, as well as established a new domain (think: a mini pivot) to offer price comparison services for home security and green energy.




Problem is Margo’s site is inactive and by ‘inactive’, think ‘unclickable buttons’. Also, Margo owns at least three domains –, and The latter – – is currently redirecting visitors to



By the looks of it,, which doesn’t offer insurance products, is owned by Leadnomics, a digital marketing company and partner network headquartered in Philadelphia, which serves the insurance and finance industries. Leadnomics was founded in 2007 by Stephen Gill, and according to his LinkedIn profile, he still holds this title. Last, Margo’s Facebook page enjoys a single review from one called Greg Salwitz, cofounder of TapQuality, “a technology and data-driven performance marketing company that connects homeowners with high quality Residential Solar and other Hometech product and service businesses.” This is TapQuality:



And that is close enough to Margo’s mini pivot.


PS. TapQuality and Young Alfred share the same house. Look.


PPS. At one point, Paige Kuczykowski worked for Margo. Her LinkedIn profile states the following: