Hello, Medicare Advantage! Meet Oscar

Oscar Health has announced it’s bringing that same personalized experience to Medicare Advantage (MA) consumers by offering MA plans in New York and Houston, TX during the Annual Election Period this fall, pending regulatory approval. “We want to give Medicare Advantage consumers the same opportunity our members on the individual market have: to choose an insurer who will be their advocate.”

Established in 2013, the company has raised over $1.2b in funding and is now a team of over 900 people. 76% of its members who are 63-years-old and over have digital accounts, and 83% of them have reached out to their Concierge teams – now these tools will be available to MA members, whether they’re searching for a doctor via the Oscar app or contacting their personalized Concierge team for guidance, or consulting a doctor via telemedicine.

Bottom Line: In the space of Clover Health.