Liberty Mutual’s bullish on UBI

Liberty Mutual is expanding its telematics-slash-UBI strategy. The company announced the launch of HighwayHero; a driving score app to allow drivers to track their driving and earn premium discounts based on how well they drive, in selected eligible states (16).


But that’s not all. The insurer also announced its future plans to expand its ByMile pay as you drive program from Illinois (where it faces competition from Metromile) to additional states.

Last, Liberty Mutual’s RightTrack Mobile app (another UBI program) will be rolled to Colorado, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin next month. Remember when Liberty Mutual had 8 regional insurance brands?

  • America First Insurance

  • Colorado Casualty

  • Golden Eagle Insurance

  • Indiana Insurance

  • Liberty Northwest

  • Montgomery Insurance

  • Ohio Casualty

  • Peerless Insurance

This is what it feels like.