Monzo Plus is back

In September 2019, Monzo got rid of its fee-based account offering Monzo Plus just five months after launching the product. Back then, the premium account offered users a range of added services and products such as additional ATM withdrawal allowances, travel insurance, contents insurance, airport lounge access, Monzo merchandise and more. Now, Monzo is bringing back Monzo Plus to help users “get a grip” on their finances.

For £5 a month with a 3 month commitment, users get everything that comes with the free Monzo account plus a range of added features such as third-party bank account aggregation, virtual debit cards, custom transaction categories, spreadsheet export and credit score updates. Additional benefits include £400 fee-free cash withdrawals abroad, advanced roundups to help users save, and offers from brand partners including Fiit and Babylon Health.

Bottom Line: Monzo is taking on money management apps.