Nationwide reaches 50k home milestone with Ting program

In partnership with Whisker Labs and Hartford Steam Boiler, Nationwide has now reached over 50k customers with Ting fire prevention technology.

Nationwide offers Ting to eligible customers in 26 states to help mitigate electrical fire hazards in and around homes. First launched in 2022, the Ting program has resulted in “incredible success stories” with over 500 fire hazards identified and mitigated. In each case, dangerous electrical failures were detected, confirmed, and mitigated before a fire ignited.

Ting also prevented incidences of water loss by detecting water interaction with an electrical system, including failing water heaters and sump pumps.

Ting recently surpassed 650,000 home years of monitoring experience nationally, finding fire and water hazards at a rate of 1 in 60 homes on average each year and predicting and preventing over 80% of electrical-related fires.

“Nationwide continues to help reduce risk and keep families and homes safe with effortless, personal, and reassuring customer experiences. The Ting program is helping Nationwide deliver on this promise by predicting and preventing fires and water losses. It has proven to be very effective, our customers love it, and we are excited to explore additional expansion of the program.” – Sarah Jacobs, Nationwide, VP of product development.

“The Ting program is a vital part of HSB’s technology ecosystem. Fire continues to be one of the most devastating losses. And we see a positive impact on engagement and prevention via Ting across all key metrics which explains why it is scaling more quickly than any other home IoT solution available today. It consistently yields excellent feedback from our insurance clients and their policyholders.” – John B. Riggs, chief technology officer and senior vice president of Applied Technology Solutions for HSB.

“The Whisker Labs Ting team is very proud to be a partner with Nationwide Insurance in helping reduce home fires and water losses. We are committed to helping protect Nationwide customers by monitoring the electricity that we all rely on for virtually everything in our lives today. It is incredibly gratifying each time Ting helps identify an electrical fault, mitigate the hazard, and prevent a fire or water damage from developing. Helping predict and prevent these risks and avoid the claim is better for everyone. We are accomplishing this with a curated hands-on customer experience that delights and engages customers.” – Bob Marshall, Co-Founder & CEO of Whisker Labs.